Just Good Shit: 03.14.21
Image: Kiyana Salkeld / Just Good Shit
Hello on this shorter-than-usual Sunday! I hope you’re having a nice weekend. Here’s what I was up to this week…
Abuse and Power, NY Mag.
Very good longread on the Cuomo administration.
Against Child Hostages, Model Citizen.
The Crisis Candidate, NY Mag.
The Art World Has Bigger Enemies Than Forgers, Defector.
Can Small-Scale Subscriptions Change Food Media for the Better?, VICE.
Thoughts on rejection from a hiring manager in a competitive field, Ask a Manager.
I also loved this comment.
#1318: “Pissed off during the post-pandemic party because nobody kept in touch.”, Captain Awkward.
I feel like I’ve been watching a lot of stuff lately, and it ranges in quality! The good: Allen v. Farrow, The Golden Girls. The pretty dece: Made You Look. The pandemic-good-enough: I Care a Lot, Murder Among the Mormons.
Have a good one! ⏰