Just Good Shit: 04.19.20
Image: Kiyana Salkeld / Just Good Shit
Hi, friends! Here’s what I had going on this week…
On the blog
Also, the one and only Captain Awkward gave that post a great “Yes and” over on her blog that’s also worth your time!
A Failure, But Not Of Prediction, Slate Star Codex.
After Social Distancing, a Strange Purgatory Awaits, The Atlantic.
Our Pandemic Summer, The Atlantic.
Why millions of college students and young adults won’t get a stimulus check, Vox.
Sorry, We Did Not All Get and Recover From COVID-19 This Winter, Lifehacker.
30 Non-Boring Things to Do With a Crush or Partner While Stuck at Home, VICE.
LOVED this list. (And you could do a lot of these things with anyone.)
Leftover AIDS Memorial Quilt Fabric Is Being Sewn Into Face Masks, them.
Love to Hate Women, Kate Harding.
How Readers Around the World Mapped Life Under Lockdown, CityLab.
Sitting on the Couch Is My New Favorite Hobby, The Cut.
On Friday — inspired by the “30 Non-Boring Things to Do With a Crush or Partner” list I linked to above — my girlfriend got a ton of Saraghina baked goods delivered as a surprise/treat for me. And I got a ton of ground beef delivered as a surprise/treat for her, so we were able to make taco soup. It fucking rocked.
Have a good Sunday night! 🥖
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