Just Good Shit: 09.29.19
Image: Kiyana Salkeld / Just Good Shit
Friends, I have some good news to share: I have a new job and I start tomorrow! I’m joining the team at VICE as Deputy Editor, Life. I got the news, like, minutes after I got the first draft of my manuscript back with edits, and right after lining up a ton of freelance work for September, which is why I’ve been quiet lately — a lot has been happening! I’m very excited about VICE, and only a tiny bit nervous about going back into an office after eight months away. (I feel…feral, and have been wearing a bra in increasing increments every day this week to prepare.)
Even more good news: my girlfriend also just accepted a new job! The amount of work/prep she did to get to this point has been truly incredible and very impressive to watch, and the job is so good/exactly what she wanted/extremely well-deserved. I am so, so thrilled for her!
It’s been a big few weeks, and I’m feeling very excited and optimistic about October! Here’s what else I have for you today…
On the blog
This week, I wrote two posts for Girls’ Night In: A Modest Proposal: Make a Q4 Resolution – You Won't Regret It and Go Small or Go Home: How to Adjust Plans So You Actually Keep Them. I also guest-edited this week’s GNI newsletter.
I was also interviewed for a series of articles for Shine Text: How to Own the Awkward and Make New Friends, How To Treat Yourself Like A Friend—Especially When You Feel Lonely, and How to Lean Into and Deepen Your Friendships.
The “Cancel Culture” Con, The New Republic.
The Internet Is Overrun With Images of Child Sexual Abuse. What Went Wrong?, The New York Times.
Head’s up that this is a fairly graphic article.
'I Will Survive' Saves Marginalized People A Spot On The Dance Floor, NPR.
‘Close Friends,’ for a Monthly Fee, The Atlantic.
Hustlers is a recession-era period piece. Here’s how the costume designer created it., The Goods / Vox.
Deep Throat’s identity was a mystery for decades because no one believed this woman, Washington Post.
(lol at the fact that “this woman” is Nora Ephron)
Mattel, Maker of Barbie, Debuts Gender-Neutral Dolls, The New York Times.
How to say “it's not okay” at work, Ask a Manager.
‘Our Love Is Built to Last’, The New York Times.
This wedding is incredible.
The Savage X Fenty fashion show on Amazon Prime.
I’ve mentioned these Los Angeles Apparel sweatpants ($40) before, but I just wanted to share them again because my gf recently bought them in the Maple and they are such a pretty color for fall. (They are the color of pumpkin pie!)
Have a great Sunday! 👩🏽💻
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