Just Good Shit: 11.21.21
Image: Kiyana Salkeld / Just Good Shit
Hi, peeps! I had a great first week at Vox and I’m newly boosted, so I’m feeling pretty good at this exact moment! Here’s what else I had going on this week…
My shit
You Should Get a Booster Now, The Atlantic.
Dave Chappelle's "Some Of My Best Friends Are Trans" Story Doesn't Hold Up, Michael Hobbes.
Marilyn Manson: The Monster Hiding in Plain Sight, Rolling Stone.
Can a Boxer Return to the Ring After Killing?, The Atlantic.
How Exxon duped “The Daily”, Heated.
Inside the Turmoil at Jezebel, Gawker.
Brittany Luse and Eric Eddings of ‘For Colored Nerds’ Play for Keeps, NYT.
Animal Crossing Happy Home Paradise does what all DLC should: make a great game even better, Polygon.
24 Quotes on Giving Thanks, Justice, and Radical Gratitude, Sojourners.
Revolt of the Goldman Juniors, NY Mag.
We tried NYT’s Roasted Tomato and White Bean Stew this week and loved it; it came together very easily and the leftovers were great. I also made a recipe I saw on TikTok and it was fantastic — really easy and so delicious.
Have a good week! 💉