Just Good Shit: 08.22.21
Image: Kiyana Salkeld / Just Good Shit
Good evening! I’ve been hunkered down literally all day thanks to Henri. We put on records and I did crosswords and made beans on toast while my girlfriend knit. It felt a bit like a preview of this coming fall/winter, given how bad Delta is. But it was a really nice day (and weekend!), and I was so happy to be offline all day.
Here’s what else I had going on this week…
Don’t Panic, But Breakthrough Cases May Be a Bigger Problem Than You’ve Been Told, NY Mag.
Seven People Tell Us What It's Like to Have Breakthrough COVID, VICE.
A New Variant of COVID Denialism Has Emerged, NY Mag.
My Kids’ School Won’t Reinstate Masks Despite a Recent Surge in COVID Cases. Here’s What I Chose to Do., ProPublica.
If Only We’d Listened to Representative Barbara Lee, The Cut.
The US Carefully Documented Its Total Failure in Afghanistan for 12 Years, VICE.
Before a 4-year-old boy’s killing, authorities wavered on rescuing him, LA Times.
What Happens When All of Your Co-workers Quit?, The Cut.
This is so fucking bleak.
I'm a Frito-Lay Factory Worker. I Work 12-Hour Days, 7 Days a Week, VICE.
“A Smile With Sharp Teeth”: Mike Richards’s Rise to ‘Jeopardy!’ Host Sparks Questions About His Past, The Ringer.
The White Lotus Was Always Going to End This Way, Vanity Fair.
The White Lotus is as clueless about Native Hawaiians as its characters, Vox.
Are You Watching the New Gossip Girl?, GoFugYourself.
Why Doesn’t the New Gossip Girl Feel Fun?, Vanity Fair.
RuPaul’s Drag Race All-Stars Recap: Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like Silky, Vulture.
This week’s episode was one of the best ever imo — so joyful, and worth a watch even if you aren’t watching this season.
Strange Lessons in Sex and Power from ‘Saved By the Bell’, Catapult.
How a Board Game About Birds Became a Surprise Blockbuster, Slate.
I’m excited to get into this game this fall/winter!
A few recent faves: This Is Paris, Malice at the Palace (SO GOOD), RHOBH, and Rajiv Surendra’s inCREDIBLE apartment tour. And this mesmerizing watch restoration.
Have a good one! 🌧