Just Good Shit: 05.02.21
Image: Kiyana Salkeld / Just Good Shit
Hi, pals! I’m officially vaccinated and ready to party aka have 1/2 of a beer with friends and then go to bed at a sensible hour! I feel beyond grateful to have made it to this point, but the current COVID situation in India is dire. I donated via GiveIndia, and NYT has more ways to help here.
Here’s what else I had going on this week…
This week, I read Last Call: A True Story of Love, Lust, and Murder in Queer New York, which I highly recommend. It’s true crime, which is usually not my cup of tea (and I had to kind of skim through the descriptions of the crimes), but it really focuses on the victims and their lives as opposed to centering the killer. It’s ultimately a book about community organizing, incompetent/bigoted policing, and gay New York in the ‘80s and ‘90s, and I just thought it was so well done. I also read Crying in H Mart, which I thought was fantastic.
I Was 12 When We Met, Slate.
Note: this article deals with grooming and rape.
Post-vaccination Inertia Is Real, The Atlantic.
The Slander Industry, NYT.
‘The Relief Outweighed the Regret’, Vulture.
I loved this! (Content note for diet/weight loss talk.)
Pixar’s Troubled “Soul”, The New Yorker.
Is This the End of the Leotard?, Slate.
I will click pretty much any story about athletic uniforms.
The Complicated Reality of Thrift Store 'Gentrification', Jezebel.
Has Online Retail’s Biggest Bully Returned?, NYT.
Ryan O’Connell’s Coming-of-Age Story, Told Through Polaroids, Interview.
Love Weed, Hate the Scaries? This Legal Bud Promises the Mellowest Buzz Ever, VICE.
Can confirm, this stuff is great and I love their branding. BTW, if you shop via this link, we’ll both get $10 off.
What Astrologer Susan Miller Can’t Live Without, NY Mag.
P.S. If you still need Mother’s Day gift ideas, the 2020 Just Good Shit gift guides might be helpful!
Have a good evening! 🍻